Welcome to You Might Think Less Of Me, the semi-autobiographical story of Girlie’s absurd and disturbing odyssey from girlhood to womanhood. As Girlie is dissected into accepted and rejected pieces, we witness her battle to become whole.

I experienced frequent bullying about my body as a child. This was compounded in adulthood through abusiveness from intimate partners. I received clear messaging that my primary value in the world relied on whether my appearance was considered satisfactory or not. While each of our stories is unique, somewhere along our individual journeys, we all experience the rejection of parts of ourselves.

Through Girlie’s journey, you are invited to challenge the culturally pervasive idea that a person’s primary value is reflected in their physical appearance. Girlie’s story also depicts the conflict a parent experiences when the world’s negative reception of their child contradicts their own love for that child. We are each deserving of love and acceptance simply because we are born and we are human. Receiving messages of inadequacy for the bodies or parts of the bodies in which we move through life, leaves us disconnected from ourselves and feeling unworthy.

You Might Think Less Of Me was created to share healing through performance. Thank you for accompanying me on this intimate and at times uncomfortable journey. May we come together in this space today and beyond, to offer one another acceptance so that we may find the peace that wholeness promises.